Reliable innovation in plastic injection
Billion has vast experience in the design and manufacture of plastic injection moulding machines. To become a global player and meet the ever-increasing demands on the sector, Billion offers a complete range of injection moulding machines and robots to automate production lines.
Founded by Mr Léon Billion in 1949 and located at their headquarters in the French Plastics Vallée, Billion has had many years designing and building plastic injection moulding machines using the absolute best components available. For this reason, Billion chose Ewellix as one of its main business partners.
50% reduced energy consumption in operation

“Our flexibility, fast response time and extraordinary service create extra value to our customers.
Billion is a solution provider and a service partner for plastic processors worldwide.
We have a network of subsidiaries and agents representing our know-how and expertise on an international basis.
To us, our business partners are crucial to our strength.”
Olivier Morteyrol – Purchasing Manager at Billion

Why did Billion choose to partner with Ewellix?
In 2006 Billion decided to develop an all-electric injection moulding machine. Previously only hydraulic components were used. "For transmission movements in this new range, called SELECT, we need high-performance components and mechanical systems. It is for this reason that our long-lasting partnership with Ewellix began" says Georg Kiesl, Billion Head of R&D. "To meet our very technical and wide-ranging specifications, we needed to find reliable and experienced suppliers that we could trust. Recently, again with Ewellix, we developed our all-electrical SELECT² designed for high-cycle production. The challenge was once more very demanding."
Installed on all-electric SELECT and SELECT² machines with a clamping force ranging from 40 to 600 ton are ball screws, planetary roller screws or linear motion guides. The range is available in either single or twin-shot versions. Billion injection and clamping units are both fitted with Ewellix components. Precision, power, and longevity are just some of the main characteristics of these components.
"The goal of designing the SELECT range was to create more energy-efficient machines and therefore, more environmentally friendly. Using Ewellix components, energy consumption is 50% lower than our hydraulic range and their exceptionally reliable ball screws and, roller screws provide consistent accuracy."
About Billion
In addition to standard thermoplastics IMM, Billion specialises in multi-injection equipment and has developed numerous tailor-made solutions for their clients. Many industrial sectors use their products, such as the automotive industry, packaging, medical, cosmetics, electronics, household equipment, building, sports and leisure companies. They provide expertise, training, and after-sales support to guarantee the success of your projects, as well as being certified ISO 9001.
Our products are used in thousands of industrial applications
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